Hebrews 11 is known as the “Heroes of Faith” chapter of the Bible. Throughout history, men have done the impossible by faith. “The just shall live by faith” states Hebrews 10:38 (NKJV), and this chapter proves that faith over fear can conquer any circumstance and overcome worry.

What have you found your circumstance to be? Is it the uncertainty of a diagnosis? Is it the lack of a steady income? Is it an unfaithful spouse? Is it an estranged father or mother? Did a child take a path that you did not approve of? Whatever you’re facing, this chapter reminds us that through faith, we can face the impossible. With God’s help and through prayer, we can reach what feels unattainable.

True biblical faith is not an emotional “hope so;” it is a real conviction based on the Word of God. Hebrews 11:1 (ESV) says, “Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.” Other versions of this verse use words like “confidence” (NIV), “certainty” (NASB), “reality” (CSB), and “substance” (NKJV) instead of “assurance.” So, when the Holy Spirit gives a man faith through the Word, the very presence of that faith in his heart is all the assurance and evidence he needs to overcome worry.

It has been said that faith enables the believing soul to treat the future as present and the invisible as seen. Through faith, men see what others cannot see. When there is true faith in the heart, God bears witness to that heart by His Spirit. By faith, Noah saw coming judgment, Abraham saw a future city, Joseph saw the exodus from Egypt, Moses saw God. By faith they saw the invisible, chose the imperishable, and did the impossible.

Faith over fear accomplishes things because there’s power in the Word of God. Even creation speaks of this – God spoke and it was done. When we believe what He says, the power of the Word accomplishes things in our lives. The same Word that acted in times of old can act in our present moment.

The Word of God is our heart’s compass. When our heart is tuned with His Word, we will experience a holy nudge as we navigate our unknowns, wade through our darkest nights, stare fear straight in the face, and declare we won’t quit. God’s Word will reaffirm our stand, hold us up, and strengthen our steps.

Proverbs 16:3 (KJV) says, “Commit thy works unto the Lord, and thy thoughts shall be established.”

“Commit thy works unto the Lord” literally means to roll them upon Him as a burden that’s too heavy to bear alone. “Thy works” signifies all that you have to do or all that has been placed in your hands.

What is your placement? What is your pressing work or heartache that you’ve been given to faithfully navigate? Whatever it is, commit the doing to God, and He will establish your thoughts. You can overcome worry because you will be standing on His word and relying on His strength.

Biblical Examples of Faith Over Fear

Throughout the Bible, faith is demonstrated. Let’s take a look at a few of these Bible characters.


God asked for a blood sacrifice, and Abel had faith in His Word. Cain did not, and he was rejected. God witnessed to Abel’s faith by accepting his sacrifice and by this witness, Abel and that faith still speaks to men today!


In a wicked age, Enoch lived a dedicated life. He did this by trusting God‘s Word. His beliefs and his practice of walking by faith was rewarded. God did so by taking him to heaven so that he did not die. The reward of faith is important in Hebrews.


No one had seen judgment through rain. Noah saw it by faith in God‘s Word. Faith leads to works. Noah’s attitude and actions condemned the unbelieving, wicked world around him. Our faith can do the same. We must get into the Word of God to encourage our spirits so that we can do the work as we wade through our moments of worry and anxiety.


Here we have the “great father of the believing,” who was one of the Old Testament‘s greatest examples of faith. Abraham believed God when he did not know where, when, how, or why. I think we’ve all been there – when we didn’t know where to turn, how the bill would be paid, when the one who strayed would come home, or why the child got sick. But in the midst of these circumstances, the Word of God helps us get through to the other side.

The most important lessons in life come as we are going through hardship, not necessarily in the “getting over.” It was faith in God‘s Word that made Abraham leave his home, live as a pilgrim, and follow wherever God commanded.

Faith gave him and his wife Sarah power to have a child when they were “as good as dead”, “too old” in modern day terms. Abraham and his pilgrim descendants did not turn back, as the Hebrew leaders were tempted to do. They kept their eyes on God and pressed on to victory.


In spite of his failures, Jacob had faith in God’s Word. Thank the Lord we serve a God of second and third and fourth and 100th chances. We serve a God of mercy. When our works are committed to Him and we are serious about getting in the Word of God, He will undertake all that desires to overtake us.


Joseph knew that Israel would one day be delivered from Egypt, for this is what God promised Abraham. It is amazing that Joseph had any faith at all, after going through so many trials and after living in pagan Egypt most of his life. But that is just how this walk of faith can go. Our trials help us to mature, and in return, our faith grows.


Moses’ parents had faith to hide Moses since God had told them in some way that he was a special child. Moses’ own faith led him to refuse positions in Egypt and to identify himself with Israel. Again, he saw the reward of faith as opposed to the pleasures of sin for a season. Faith in the Word led to the Passover deliverance, just as the Lord can deliver us as we believe His Word.


God promised to deliver Jericho to Joshua, and faith in that promise led to victory. Israel marched around the city for seven days and must have looked foolish to the citizens, but their faith was rewarded. Sometimes in life our faith may look foolish, but we must keep on keeping on because God is working. When worry and anxiety overtake, just remember as the walls of Jericho fell, so will our life’s hurdles.

The lessons of Hebrews 11 are many, but perhaps it would be helpful to mention just a few. God works through faith and faith alone. This is the only way to please Him and receive His blessing. Faith is a gift from God through the Word and the Spirit. It’s not something we “work up” ourselves. Faith is always tested; at times it may seem that trusting God is foolish, but faith always conquers in the end.

Christian Counseling to Overcome Worry

If you are struggling to overcome worry and anxiety by exercising faith over fear, please reach out to one of the professional counselors at our office. If you or a loved one needs help, we warmly welcome you to connect with us today through our Christian counselor directory or online contact form.

“Open Bible”, Courtesy of Sixteen Miles Out, Unsplash.com, CC0 License; “Bible and Journal”, Courtesy of Carolyn V, Unsplash.com, CC0 License; “Faith Over Fear”, Courtesy of Sincerely Media, Unsplash.com, CC0 License; “Woman With Bible”, Courtesy of Joel Muniz, Unsplash.com, CC0 License