3 Resources for How to Deal with Anger

By |July 28th, 2022|Anger Issues, Featured, Individual Counseling|

Anger pops up in a variety of situations. It may be something external – sitting in a traffic jam or hearing that your favorite team lost the game in overtime. But often, anger is rooted in something deeper. Getting to the root of that emotion and figuring out how to deal with anger should be done with trusted tools and trained counselors. How to Deal with Anger: 3 Tips The first step is awareness. If someone has ever pointed out that you tend to respond to negative situations in anger, it’s certainly worth paying attention to. Asking yourself some questions may help. Do I frequently regret something I have done or said in a time of anger? Are those closest to me fearful of saying or doing the wrong thing because of how I might react? Do I typically give the “cold shoulder” to someone that has hurt me in the past? Have I refrained from bonding or held back love to show – in a not-so-obvious way – that I am angry with someone? Have I lashed out on more than one occasion with words or physical aggression toward someone because of angry feelings? If you’ve answered yes to any of these, it could be a worthwhile time to examine the depth of your anger. The anger issues may stem from several roots. One way your anger may come out is by punishing yourself. If you get upset with yourself when your very high standards have been broken – by you – then this may be why. It is hard to let go of anger toward yourself, hard to not talk negatively to yourself in your mind, and hard to not berate your choices even if you know that perfection isn’t the ideal. Other exhibits of anger include [...]