There’s no end to the ways things in our world either don’t make sense, or seem out of control. Of course, while they may not make sense to us, and they may be out of our control, which should not cause us to despair. We can turn to Bible verses about worry.

God’s ways and thoughts are above our own (Isaiah 55:9), and to Him nothing is impossible (Luke 1:37). We don’t need to worry because God knows the end of things before they even begin (Isaiah 46:10).

Worry is when you ruminate or repeatedly think about the same thing in a way that ultimately leaves you feeling anxious and unsettled. Usually, we worry about future events whose outcomes we have a stake in.

Sometimes we worry that something we’d like to see happen won’t happen, and at other times we worry that the worst possible outcome will occur. Either way, thoughts about the situation, possible solutions to the problem, and dwelling on the possible negative outcomes are what worry is all about.

Worry doesn’t leave you feeling energized or hopeful; instead, it makes you fearful, apprehensive, and distracted. Instead of helping us, worry simply robs us of our sense of joy and rest.

Letting God console you: Bible verses about worry

If you find yourself feeling worried, one way to deal with it is to allow the Lord to console you. The Bible says a lot about worry, but below are a few verses that can help you.

When the cares of my heart are many, your consolations cheer my soul. – Psalm 94:19, ESV

This Psalm addresses a context in which wrongs are being perpetrated by powerful and arrogant people against those who are weak. When the odds are stacked against us this way, it can be overwhelming, and the psalmist appeals to God, the “judge of the earth” (Psalm 94:2, NIV).

Verse 19 reminds us that no matter what we’re facing, we can allow God to console us through His reminders that He loves us and that He is just and sees all that goes on in this world. We need not worry because God cares, He sees, and He will deal with things on His people’s behalf.

But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him. They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit. – Jeremiah 17:7-8, NIV

Who do you trust when the chips are down? Often, we trust ourselves, or we look to our circumstances or other people to get us out of a bind. The Bible constantly reminds us that such trust is not altogether dependable, because human strength fails.

In contrast, these verses in Jeremiah encourage us to trust in the Lord because He never fails. Yes, God doesn’t always do what we expect or dance to our tune, but He is good and knows what is best for us. We can rest in His goodness and wisdom with a child-like faith.

Christian counseling for anxiety and worry

If you find that your worrying is excessive and interferes with your daily functioning, consider seeing a Christian counselor at Wylie Christian Counseling in Texas who can help you cope effectively with anxiety and worry.

“Open Bible”, Courtesy of Carolyn V,, CC0 License; “Holy Bible”, Courtesy of Priscilla Du Preez,, CC0 License