Women’s Issues

Help for Sexual Side Effects of Antidepressants

By |April 26th, 2024|Depression, Featured, Individual Counseling, Men’s Issues, Women’s Issues|

You may have heard about or experienced unwanted side effects of antidepressants. It is always helpful to talk to your doctor or counselor about any side effects. One type of side effect that is particularly difficult for some people to talk about, however, is any type of sexual side effect. It can be challenging and awkward to talk to someone about your sex life. This is particularly true when something doesn’t feel like it is going well or when you experience a change. Unfortunately, some antidepressant medications can have sexual side effects. This is not because of anything you have done. It is simply an unwanted result of taking the medication. How to Alleviate Sexual Side Effects of Antidepressants If you experience any unwanted side effects, you don’t have to suffer. Here are some things you can do to help alleviate any sexual side effects of taking an antidepressant. Remember, it is important to discuss changes with your doctor before making them to ensure your health and safety. Consider a lower dose Sometimes it is not the medication that is the problem, it is the dosage. Instead of giving up on a helpful medication, you can talk to your doctor about trying a lower dose. The goal of this is to alleviate the side effects while maintaining the efficacy of the medication in treating your depression. This is a process that must be done with your doctor. Do not change your medication dose on your own. If you are unsure of how to bring it up with your doctor, a counselor can help you develop a plan. Ask about other medication options If the medication is proving problematic, you can talk to your doctor about other antidepressants you could take. Not all medicines have the same side effects, and [...]

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Focus Hacks for Adults with ADHD

By |June 22nd, 2023|ADHD/ADD, Featured, Individual Counseling, Men’s Issues, Women’s Issues|

The ability to organize tasks and accomplish goals requires skills in time management and self-discipline. All humans need to learn and develop these skills. For those adults with ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), there is a longer learning curve. Having a larger bag of tricks to rely on may help you work with your natural tendencies rather than against them. Environmental hacks for adults with ADHD The environment you work in can be a primary culprit for distracting you from the work you want to get done. Ask yourself what the biggest distractions are. Is it other people? Do certain smells or sounds keep distracting you? Are other tasks in your line of sight that then distract you from focusing? If you have a project that requires you to stay on task, consider a few ideas: Work away from other people. Use noise-canceling headphones. Try listening to white or brown noise. Clear away other projects from your sight. Light a candle with a pleasant scent. Phone pros and cons for adult ADHD There is no denying that phones are a major source of distraction. From email to phone calls, to the siren call of social media, your phone can easily pull you away from the tasks to which you are supposed to be paying attention. Your phone does have some helpful tools as well. Setting timers or alarms for different tasks can help both stay on task or get things done that you would otherwise forget. You can set reminders for things that slip your mind. Inside settings you can set time limits on different apps, making going on social media more challenging. You can also put your phone on “Do Not Disturb” when you need to hyperfocus on a project. You can also use your phone’s camera as a [...]

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How Maternal Mental Health Impacts a Child

By |January 11th, 2023|Christian Counseling for Children, Christian Counseling For Teens, Family Counseling, Featured, Individual Counseling, Women’s Issues|

Maternal mental health was not always on the minds of many of the people who provide behavioral health services in our country as an issue that needed to be addressed. The worldview has shifted by the year 2020, and the mental health of mothers (and parents in general, more generally) is becoming increasingly important to the community working in behavioral health. Women who are pregnant, new mothers, or experienced mothers are having their mental health disorders investigated by a growing number of healthcare providers, who are also investigating how the mothers’ mental health affects that of their children. According to the World Health Organization, approximately ten percent of women who are pregnant and thirteen percent of women who have recently given birth experience a mental disorder, the most common of which is depression. This results in an inability to properly function and affects the growth and development of their children. The following is a list of some of the most common types and causes of maternal mental health disorders, as well as how the management of one or more of those disorders can affect a child. Mental health disorders commonly observed in mothers. Depression /postpartum depression. Most mothers around the world struggle with depression, making it the most prevalent mental health problem related to motherhood. Although many mothers will suffer from depression at some point in their lives, postpartum depression is the form that affects new mothers more frequently than any other. After giving birth, up to eighty percent of women will experience postpartum depression in some form or another. Weepiness, impatience, irritability, restlessness, fatigue, insomnia, sadness, intrusive thoughts, or an inability to stay focused are some of the symptoms of this maternal mental health disorder. Anxiety disorder. Anxiety disorders are yet another typical problem with a parent’s mental [...]

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